Sunday, April 29, 2012

Apakah smooth jazz itu ?

Banyak sekali perdebatan di kalangan masyarakat tentang smooth jazz. Kaum konservatif tidak menerima kalau smooth jazz layak disebut bagian dari jazz. Bahkan sumber yang saya cari di wikipedia, smooth jazz masih diragukan untuk dikategorikan sub-genre dari jazz. Setelah googling saya menemukan banyak hal tentang perdebatan ini. Contoh yang saya kutip di bawah ini.

Jazz- is an American musical art form created by musicians. It utilizes a swing feel, features improvisation and uses more complex rhythms and relies heavily on group interaction amongst its players. Similar to classical music, it is a more intellectual based music, digging deep into the musicality and complexity of notes/chords/rhythm/time. At one time (30s/40s) it was the popular music of that era. Today, unfortunately, it thrives mainly only in academia, and relies on education rather than record sales to drive its profits.
Smooth Jazz is a label created by radio, not musicians, to brand a style of instrumental pop/R&B music to create a genre that is based more on image and showmanship than on music content. It is simple, pop oriented, melodic, generally non-improvisational “feel good” music, that has almost nothing to do with Jazz. It is not a sub-genre of jazz, like Ragtime, Swing, Bebop, Cool, Avante Garde, or Post Bop, which are all sub-genre’s within the jazz genre, each depicting different eras.  Smooth Jazz is not one of the Jazz eras.
Unfortunately, there was a sort of in-between early version of smooth jazz in the last 70s/early 80′s. Grover Washington, David Sanborn, Spyro Gyra even Weather Report that still hung onto more of the roots of jazz. But when radio and record companies decided to turn it into a big money machine, they stripped out all the soul and content, and left us with the new age elevator music that is smooth jazz today.
Dari penjelasan di paragraf kedua dikatakan bahwa smooth jazz merupakan suatu bentuk musik populer yang dibentuk oleh radio. Bukan oleh para musisi, dan smooth jazz sendiri merupakan pop oriented dan tanpa improvisasi dimana jazz merupakan musik yang mengandalkan improvisasi.

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